​Contact Us: 360.630.0907
K - 5 Program
The Learning Well offers a multi-age, multi-sensory, developmentally appropriate approach to education.
The Learning Well is a private elementary school in Wenatchee, WA for children entering Kindergarten through Sixth Grade. We meet Monday - Thursday from 8:30 - 2:45. We work closely with parents to help learning be something that our students do both in and out of the classroom as they develop a lifelong love for learning. We provide rigorous academics that are developmentally appropriate in an engaging, hands-on and multi-sensory environment.
We seek to create classroom communities based on child age, academic and social needs and our desire to maintain a teacher:student ratio that aids in our unique, individualized approach. For the 2024-2025 school year we will offer the following multi-age groups: our Explorers (K), our Builders (1st/2nd), our Adventurers (3rd/4th) and our Navigators (5th/6th). Students in each age band work at their own individualized level in the reading, writing, and mathematics while working alongside peers for other subjects during the day. Students will regularly interact with all children, teachers and staff members in the school. We are a community of learners.
We use a workshop model to teach the subjects of reading, writing, spelling, mathematics, and Project Based Learning. A workshop model provides a short whole group lesson from the teacher before each child is sent out to complete work that is a continuation of current learning. During this work time, students will be completing their own tasks individually or with partners. Our teachers intentionally use this work time to meet individually with students or small groups to teach, observe, and direct the children into deeper learning with accuracy and rigor. The workshop is completed with a student-led sharing of workshop accomplishments. Students love this approach and take ownership of their own learning.
Our workshop approach is modeled after the way professionals learn, confer and share knowledge in the real world. This keeps learning fresh, meaningful, relevant and inspiring for students. It also teaches valuable lifelong learning skills as they work independently and collaboratively.
Sample Daily Schedule
8:30am- 2:45pm Monday – Thursday
The Learning Well is a student-centered learning community. These times are an approximation. Our teachers will always observe student engagement and will allow students extended time to learn if it is needed to further their research, complete a task or feel a sense of accomplishment.

Arrival: Free exploration and engagement with any content area is the classroom. This allows students time to explore, ask questions, test hypotheses, and engage their interests.
Class Meeting: A sweet time to hear from each student as they share their thoughts and feelings, and prepare the children for our learning community. It is a time for reflection and prayer.
Readers and Writers Workshop
Math Workshop
Lunch/Free Play: We believe that providing a mental break for our brains encourages deeper learning. Play gives our minds a time to recover and regenerate, as well as an opportunity to practice our social skills through sharing, leading and following, trying new physical activities and being creative.
Project Based Learning Workshop (Explorers ages 5-7 and Builders ages 6-8): The focus of this workshop always focuses on science concepts and units will change throughout the academic year. PBL is always interdisciplinary and will include exploration and instruction in science, art, mathematics, writing, reading, music, and more when appropriate.
Math Workshop (Navigators ages 9-11)
Specialists (Music, PE, Art)